Comfort Contract

Evidence suggests that patients do better when their expectations about specific benefits of nursing care are discussed and met.  How can a nurse do a “comfort contract” whereby patients or their surrogates designate an expected level of postsurgical overall comfort, and also where they can specify chronic discomforts and interventions that they use at home … Read more

The surrogate role

The surrogate role is not one that is frequently mentioned in recent nursing practice literature.  Is that role as defined by Peplau relevant to nursing practice as currently experienced.  If so, in what way.  If not, why?

Future Trends

  Because the NCIC is a large data base that keeps current information used in law enforcement, would it be advantageous to have the photographs placed in that data base in a 3-D format (which would use computer space and cost more money), or will the regular photographs provide the material necessary to aid law … Read more

Sociological theory and Sociological Practice

please read the attached article provide a short summary then answer the questions below separately  Summary of Article What types of reactions or thoughts did the content stimulate? What ideas, arguments, perspectives, experiences, etc. struck you as interesting, problematic, and/or worthy of further, deeper consideration? Were there any holes or gaps in the content that … Read more


First complete this survey Second, review these Three PowerPoints (I broke the presentation into 3 parts so that the file does not become too large): Third – Assess yourself — Are You A Principle Centered Leader? In chapter 1 of Principle-Centered Leadership (Covey, 1991), Covey lists the following characteristics of principle-centered leaders. They strive to … Read more


1. Which of these characteristics do you consistently demonstrate? 2. Which of these are a struggle for you? 3. What action steps can you take to improve in these areas? 4. What step will you take this week? Fourth, assess yourself on how well you live the Seven Habits? Which habit is a struggle for … Read more


  A paradigm shift in healthcare has revolutionized care provision in the 21st century. The paradigm shift has shifted healthcare control from hospitals and healthcare providers into the patient’s hands. Healthcare delivery has moved from healthcare settings into patients’ devices and homes to promote patient-centered care. The paradigm shift to patient-centered care has changed the … Read more