Summative Assessment: Adolescent Experience

  an audience of parents of adolescents to help them relate to the changes your children will be going through. Complete the following in your presentation:  Explain the changes their children will go through related to adolescence, including:  Physical changes  Cognitive changes  Social changes  Neurological changes  Explain changes in behavior they will likely see in … Read more


  Discuss factors related to major challenges faced by adolescents. Two examples of major challenges are suicide and depression. Are there any approaches for prevention of problems related to the major challenges you would suggest, and how do they relate to your identified factors? 

Summative Assessment: Early and Middle Childhood

  expected developmental changes children experience when transitioning between early and middle childhood. it will be part of the training materials new elementary school teachers receive in the summer before they start teaching. Describe early childhood.  Describe middle childhood.  Discuss the transition from early childhood to middle childhood in healthy developing children. Include a discussion … Read more


  Describe the educational principles derived from Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories. In your opinion, which is more applicable in an educational setting? Justify your answer.

Support Group

 imagine you are assisting a counselor at a community center by running a support group for soon-to-be mothers. Several ladies in the group have disclosed a love for drinking alcohol and utilizing substances. As an expert in the field of childhood development, help the group understand the potential delays or adverse impact teratogens may have … Read more


  Discuss your perspective on the nature-versus-nurture debate. Additionally, discuss how epigenetics fits into this debate. Can you identify areas in your life that have been related to nurture and others that have been related to nature?

Summative Assessment: Goals for Success

  Write your introduction to include the elements you developed in the outline. Summarize the final version of each SMART goal, addressing each letter of the SMART acronym as it relates to the goal, as well as your responses to the questions presented in the outline. Describe how each goal will help you achieve success … Read more


  Consider your journey throughout this course and recommend 5 tips for graduate writing that you would share with others. Think about all your coursework. What did you learn? What would you do differently? What was most helpful to you?

Goals for Success

   your introduction to include the elements you developed in the outline. State the final version of each SMART goal, addressing each letter of the SMART acronym as it relates to the goal, as well as your responses to the questions presented in the outline. Describe how each goal will help you achieve success in … Read more