part 1

  Part 1 Killers – All These Things That I’ve Done “Let’s Dance”! This video takes us through the 20th century with some of the most notable artists and styles of dance as seen through concert dance performances, films and movie musicals. How does this video reflect American vernacular dance in terms of its evolution … Read more

Week 5 discussion and peer responses

Your Research Design After reviewing the Module 4 Assignment, discuss the following: Indicate your research design (i.e., correlational, experimental, quasi-experimental, or causal-comparative, etc.) State the descriptive (i.e., mean, median, mode, standard deviation, range, percentages, etc.) State the inferential statistics you will be using to analyze your data given your variables and design.

week 5

  This week, we are covering the topic of politics (e.g., political philosophy).  Politics is mainly about making policies or rules.  Our society is full of policies such as speed limit laws, tax laws, minimum wage laws and the list goes on.  However, one thing we have to remember is that laws are time specific.  … Read more


  Week 5 – Political Philosophy: Youth and Voting In a democracy such as ours, we give people to right to vote in order to make decisions on policies.  This is especially critical for our young people in college.  Think of the possible differences we can make with colleges, student loans and getting your first … Read more

operating systems

  Everything we do with a computer leaves a footprint. In a few sentences, explain any that are included in the Microsoft Windows operating system to review these digital marks. What is your favorite Linux-based tool (or tools) that allow us to monitor processes in a Linux System? How do you think the information collected … Read more

Can someone do my Week 3 discussion 1 in BUS 637 Entrepreneur/Intrapreneur!?

  Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Anand’s textbook Chapters 4, 5, 8, and 14. In addition, read “Can you innovate within large organizations? Joshua Mitro LavraLinks to an external site.” by Shahbaz Khan. It is also recommended to watch the video with Joshua Mitro Lavra, “Can you innovate within large organizations?Links … Read more

Job qualities In 1-2 paragraphs, describe the requirements for the job attached above and talk about the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are necessary for you to likely get hired. Also, what additional skills would be helpful in this job to have. Discuss the role certification plays in job profile attached. If your company closed or … Read more

Software on Internet

  When you download software from the Internet, why is it important to verify the MD5 hash value? Describe some first and important steps you would use to verify a MD5 checksum of downloaded software. Are there tools built into the operating system that will check the MD5 sum? Can you recommend a website with … Read more