
Develop and display a project network in Gantt-Chart format, using Microsoft Project. Please review MS Project materials provided in the Module, to know how to get/access it, and how to use it. Also, show all Task names (that is, all WBS activities, indented when appropriate or needed), duration, start, finish, and predecessor. Use a Monday … Read more


Have you visited doctors and witnessed various novel technologies/systems used in clinical procedures in hospitals? For the health of various communities in our society, have you heard any healthcare service is provided in a new electronic or digital way? Have you heard many technologies/systems have been developed, or  used to best deal with or respond … Read more


  Hi Class! Here’s a fun extra credit discussion worth up to 5 points to get you introduced to the class and your classmates! Compare the two videos embedded here in terms of the their musicality and dance styles. What is so different between their dance interpretation of the music and what we as humans … Read more

week 3

  1. In communistic countries, who sets the wages of workers?  2. In communistic countries, who controls prices? 3. Do communisitc countries hold elections?  4. Do the elections matter or does the ruling power monopolize power?  5. What do you think about the minimum wage?  Is minimum wage something the government should intervene in or … Read more

digital crime scene

  Why do you think it is so important to document a digital crime scene? In a few sentences, describe the steps you would take and why you think you should take them, to ensure you have all of the needed evidence recorded. Are there any Internet resources that you could recommend that would help … Read more

Making a company

Please use the attached template to fill in.   For this activity, you will establish the fictional company, executives, and team members that you will refer to. Respond to each of the following: What is the name of this e-commerce company? (Do not choose a real company.) What is the fictional name of the CEO, … Read more

week 2

  Week 2 – Recency Bias and Applied Rationalism Please watch the video on “recency bias” and answer the following question to an external site. 1. What is recenvy bias? 2. What is the last letter of the alphabet? What is the 13th letter of the alphabet?  Why was the last letter the easiest?  … Read more


   Instructions: Pick any three prompts and answer them, making sure to get three in a row across, down, or diagonally. Please include the prompt when answering so I know which one you’re on! 


  Many individuals think they know what a friend in an abusive relationship or being stalked needs. Do not write what you think the correct answer is or what someone has told you (it might not be accurate). Take time and do your research! Use your textbook, the video below, and information from Student Health … Read more