Term 6 Unit 5 Discussions


Unit 5 DB: Understanding What-If Analysis (CIS250 Advanced Excel)

Make sure to review Chapter 6 before posting your discussion. The two worksheets, DeliScenario.xlsx or OutageCosts.xlsx, are using one of the What-If Analysis tools: Deli worksheet is using the Scenario Manager. The Outage worksheet is using a One Variable Data Table.
OutageCosts.xlsx  DeliScenario.xlsx

  1. Choose      one of the worksheets and open it up.
  2. Explain:

· Which What If Analysis tool is the worksheet using?

· Provide a description of the What If Analysis tool and why it was used in the worksheet.

· Interpret what the data means.

· Discuss what it means for the business.

Unit 5 DB: Convince us of your conflict (ENG130 Literature & Composition)

Initial Response: Jackson, Dick, and Atwood brilliantly incorporate the conflict of Man vs. Society, but which one does it better?

  1. In one to two paragraphs, argue which of the Unit 5 authors best portrays the conflict of Person vs. Society and HOW (you might like to do some more research on The Handmaid’s Tale to write about Atwood). This is a great practice for your upcoming Position Paper.  
  2. Share a modern-day piece of literature (new story, article, video, movie, novel, etc.) that supports your response and is a direct connection to the story you choose. Be sure to post the link to your modern piece of literature and explain how it connects to your chosen author/story. 
  3. Finish your post by asking a question of your peers that promotes critical thinking on this subject.

Unit 5 Discussion: Impact of Risk-free Rates and Market Premiums (FIN201 Principles of Finance)

Please consider all that we have learned thus far regarding the impact of diversification, risk-free securities, and market premiums.  With that in mind, please describe how adding a risk-free security to modern portfolio theory allows investors to do better than the efficient frontier.  Additionally, explain how might the magnitude of the market risk premium impact people’s desire to buy stocks?

Unit 5 DB: Vendor Transactions (ACC215 Spreadsheet & General Ledger Software)

What are the types of vendor transactions and discuss how QB can help manage this area?