The Hamlet Journal

Journals: Close Reading of the Text 

Length: At least 250 words.
Journal entries are critical responses to the texts that we read. You must closely read the text and provide an answer that includes a quote or paraphrase from the text, in-text citation(s), and a Works Cited. The journal entry assignments will close after the due date and time ends. Every other week, you must submit a short journal response. The journals must only cover the corresponding week’s reading material. 

Your journal entry can be relatively informal; that is, you may simply explore your response to the reading or a portion of the reading and include some of your personal reflections on it. Obviously, you must write over a different subject for each journal. For each journal, you must include at least one quote or paraphrase from the text. You must provide an in-text citation at the end of every quote. If you paraphrase, you must include an in-text citation at the end of every sentence where you use information from the text. Provide a Works Cited at the end. Citations for literature are covered in the MLA handout;