CHEM 102- Laboratory ReportName:Date: January 29 2016Title: Alka Seltzer StrengthPurpose: The purpose of this experiment was to discover the amount of NaHCO3 in an alka seltzertablet. This experiment taught me what to add to a solution for NaHCO3 to fully react so the amount ofNaHCO3 can be found.Procedures:In this experiment six 50 mL beakers were each weighed and their mass was recorded. In the firstbeaker I added only 30 mL of water. In the second beaker I added 2 mL of vinegar and 28 mL of water. Inthe third beaker I added 4 mL of vinegar and 26 mL of water. In the fourth beaker I added 6 mL ofvinegar and 24 mL of water. In the fifth beaker I added 8 mL of vinegar and 22 mL of water. In the sixthbeaker I added 10 mL of vinegar and 20 mL of water. Each beaker was then weighed again and theirmass was recorded. Then I added 3 grams of alka seltzer to each beaker. Once the bubbling stopped inthe beakers I weighed all of them again and recorded their mass. Finally I placed everything in therecycling bin.Data:Alka Seltzer StrengthASSIGNMENTExperiment 11.Fill in the chart below with appropriate data and calculations. More descriptive instructions as to how toappropriately fill in each column are below the chart.(1)(4)(5)(6) Moles (7) MassBeakerMass MolesofofBeaker(2) Initial (3) Final( water of CO2 of CO2 NaHCO3 NaHCO3#Mass [g] Mass [g]vinegar)evolve evolve consume consumeMass [g]d [g]ddd [g]1115.000118.000117.318.6822115.00118.00117.24.764 5513115.011118.011117.164.8474115.016118.016117.133.8835115.021118.021117.138.8836115.027118.027117.143.8842.Column 1: Record the mass of the beaker plus the water and vinegar.3.Column 2: Add the mass of the Alka Seltzer tablet (3.0g) to the result of Column 1. This is the initial mass.4.Column 3: Record the mass of the beaker with its solution after the reaction between the Alka Seltzer withthe vinegar and water. This is the final mass.5.Column 4: Calculate the mass of CO2 evolved in each beaker by subtracting the final mass from the initialmass.6.Column 5: Calculate the number of moles of CO2 evolved in each beaker. The molecular weight of CO2 is44.01 g/mole CO2.7.Column 6: Calculate the number of moles of NaHCO3 that reacted in each beaker. (The molar ratio betweenevolved CO2 and the bicarbonate HCO3- is 1:1).8.Column 7: Calculate the mass of NaHCO3 that was used up in the reaction for each beaker. The molecularweight of NaHCO3 is 84.007 g/mole.9.Draw a graph by plotting the mass of reacted NaHCO3 in each beaker (y-axis) against the volume of vinegar(x-axis).10. From the graph of your results what is the mass of NaHCO3 in an Alka Seltzer tablet? What is the percentmass of NaHCO3 in an Alka Seltzer tablet? What is the percent mass of NaHCO3 in an Alka Seltzer tablet?11. For each data point on your graph indicate which reactant is limiting and which is in excess.Vinegar Volume [mL] Limiting Excess02 46810