Time Management

Team Challenge (15%; 15 points) Grading Criteria



Care and critical thought are put into the Analysis of your Team Challenge.
Insight and creativity are evident in your Solution(s) to address the Team Challenge, and in your presentation (i.e., be memorable… in a good way).

The challenge is well-defined (neither too broad nor too narrow) and is clearly stated in your presentation (and presentation notes).
Adequate research and critical thinking have been applied to your Team Challenge, using both science and practice, to ensure full understanding of the issue; all references/citations are included on your final presentation slide AND notated where appropriate on your individual sides to ensure sources are clear.
Relevant course readings and lecture content are also clearly integrated (and cited where appropriate).

Multiple evidence-based solutions (supported by the literature) have been identified, which you will then ‘package’ into a final set of solutions/ recommendations. (Be sure to clearly identify your solutions/recommendations in the presentation and notes section.)
Solutions logically follow from your definition of the challenge, analysis of the literature, and integration of course content.
Solutions (and/or presentation) demonstrate insight and creativity.



3 points possible



3 points possible

Thoroughness & Professionalism

Complete coverage of the above Quality criteria (analysis and solutions), within the designated time (15-20 minutes), presented in a clear yet concise and professional manner. (Be mindful of spelling, grammar, punctuation, presentation, etc.)

2 points possible


Make clear in your presentation that you:
Understand your teams’ individual and collective strengths/weaknesses
Consider these strengths/weaknesses by identifying which of your proposed solutions would best leverage the strengths and mitigate weaknesses of your team members.

2 points possible
Graded POINTS 10.00

(see criteria in syllabus) 5.00
TOTAL 15.00