7/30/22, 2:13 PM Taskstream by Watermark
Use the information you have learned in class and the article to create a Tree Map on adolescent learners. Use the information from your map’s subcategories to summarize what you have learned about adolescent learners.
Attach a PDF copy of your Tree Map. Add a Frame of Reference and share where did you get your information? Your subcategories:
a. The Brain: What I know about the brain?
b.Characteristics of Adolescent Learners: What I know about the adolescent brain? Intellectual, social, physical, and emotional development
c. Planning Instruction for the Adolescent Learner. Knowing what I know about adolescent learners, what must I keep in mind when planning and engaging lesson? Think about the opening(activating strategies), work period(cognitive strategies), and closing (summarizing strategies).
File Attachments:
Characteristics of the Adolescent Learner.pdf
Planning Adol Learners Article.doc
The Adolescent Brain .pdf
Dr. Thompson’s presentation
https://folio.taskstream.com/Folio/BasicBlankStyle.asp?qyz=OfIhlYCKec7aHnSBj0b&idx=directionsId_0 1/1