Unit 4 AS1: Applied Concepts Paper Two

Applied Content Paper Two

Context, Directions & Assignment Details





In this course, you will research/write four papers dealing with a formal Human Resources (HR) formal sponsored Telecommuting work arrangement program.  The purpose of these papers is to demonstrate you knowledge of key course concepts by applying them to a real life situation.





You are expected to research each topic thoroughly.  Use the course textbook as one source for your paper.  You will need to use additional sources as well.  Please Note:  Use of other student work, regardless of how it is accessed, is a violation of the University Academic Integrity Policy.  If you need to review this policy, check your course syllabus for the proper link.


  • Paper Requirements

    • Please use the Calibri font.
    • Paper length is expected to be five pages MINIMUM; however, your guide should be that the length should be as long as needed to cover each required topic in a thorough manner. The minimum should not be your goal.
    • Footnote all use of sources.
    • Footnote all use of sources.
    • Use the MLA format for a list of all sources cited within your paper. Do not include any sources not cited.  This list should be placed at the end of your paper.  It should not be counted toward a minimum length of the paper.
    • Edit your work for grammar, spelling and logical
    • Use paragraphs effectively. Do NOT write in single, overly long paragraphs.  Each paragraph should be 2-4 sentences in length.  A paragraph should deal with ONE central idea.



Assignment Details:


Please follow the following format.  Each of the (bold) titles should be section headers for your paper.


  1. Purpose of this Paper (Explain what you will cover in this paper.)
  2. Social Issues for the Individual Telecommuting Employee

    • Focus on the potential pitfalls for the individual.
    • Be specific. Be thorough.
  3. Social Issues Impact

    • Research opinions from experts in this area. Please do not copy their work.
    • Address each of the social issues in Point 2.
  4. Career Issues

    • Be thorough and specific.
  5. Career Issues Impact

    • Research opinions from experts in the field. Please do not copy their work.
  6. Works Cited

    • Only include those sources actually cited in your paper.
    • MLA format preferred.