Unit 4 IP Mgmt 495 – Career Discovery







Student Name

Assignment Title

Colorado Technical University











Introduce the topics you will cover in your paper. Use 12-pt Times New Roman font, and double space and indent each paragraph throughout your assignment. Each paragraph should include a topic sentence, at least 2 qualifier sentences, and a transition for a total of 4 sentences. Use APA in-text citations where your references are used. Do not change the document margins. The paper should be 3–5 pages (plus a title page and a reference page).

Official Professional Summary

Describe your official professional career, including your strengths that can be transferred to any position you hold and any rewards you have received in your past employment.

Insert your response here.

Career Goals

What are your career goals? Where are you today, and where do you want to be?   

Insert your response here.

Coursework Reflection

Describe how the courses you have taken have helped you prepare for your career.

Insert your response here.


Summarize the main points of your paper. Be sure to proofread your assignment for organization, grammar, punctuation, and APA style.


Cite 1–3 sources in APA format. Here are some examples of references cited in APA format:

Khan, M. A., Ismail, F. B., Altaf, H., & Basheer, A. (2020). The interplay of leadership styles, innovative work behavior, organizational culture, and organizational citizenship behavior. Sage Open,             10(1). http://dx.doi.org.proxy.cecybrary.com/10.1177/2158244019898264

Kmec, J. (2012, March 13). Where’s the boss? And what counts as “work”? The Society Pages. https://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2012/03/13/wheres-the-boss-and-what-counts-as-work/

Gliddon, D. G., & Rothwell, W. J. (2018). Innovation leadership. Routledge.











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