Unit Four: Organizational Communication in Action


Question 1

  • Pick three separate topics from Unit 4 to help you identify and analyze CONSTRUCTIVE organizational communication practices and influences. For each topic, use at least three sentences to define the topic/term/concept and then discuss how or why that topic/term/concept represents a best communication practice that would be good to model, or is a positive influence to organizational communication, or is a piece of information that helps us better understand and navigate organizational communication and relationships.

Question 2

  • Pick three separate topics from Unit 4 to help you identify and analyze DESTRUCTIVE organizational communication practices and influences. For each topic, use at least three sentences to define the topic/term/concept and then discuss how or why topic/term/concept represents a destructive or problematic communication practice that should be avoided if possible, or is a negative influence to organizational communication, or is a piece of information that helps us better understand organizational problems.