Week 1

Students in the DIS-9901 dissertation sequence will be required to complete
Chapter 1 of their Dissertation Proposal including a brief review of the literature
with substantiating evidence of the problem, the research purpose and questions,
the intended methodological design and approach, and the significance of the
The criterias for the paper:
Criteria Does Not Meet Meets
The study overview is
incomplete or unclear.
Key elements are
inadequately addressed, all
points are not supported in
the literature, key concepts
lack coherence and clarity.
Not framed to proper program
of study.
A clear overview of the
study is provided.
There is a flow from
general to specific of the
topic. Major points are
adequately supported by
the literature (Applied
degree frames in
practice – PhD frames in
adding to the literature).
of the
The description of the
problem is incomplete or
unclear. No evidence is
provided indicating the
problem exists. Evidence to
support the problem is dated.
Lacks alignment with the
material in the Introduction.
The significance of the
problem is not discussed is
unclear or not discussed.
(Applied problem is not
discussed in evidence of the
local problem and larger
population / PhD problem is
not framed in the literature
beyond a specific site
documenting the need for and
importance of the study).
A clear problem is
explained and supported
through the material in
the Introduction. Strong
evidence (most within
the past 5 years) is
provided and discussed.
(Applied problem
discussed in evidence of
the local problem and
larger population / PhD
problem framed in the
literature beyond a
specific site documenting
the need for and
importance of the study).
Purpose of
the Study
The purpose for the study is
incomplete or unclear. Key
elements are inadequately
addressed and does not align
to the stated problem, study
The purpose of the study
is described and aligns
to the stated problem, a
summary of how the
details are not supported,
and/or lack coherence and
study will be/was
conducted is provided.
The discussion of the
theory(ies) or conceptual
framework is incomplete,
unclear, or missing. Key
elements are inadequately
addressed, all points are not
supported, and/or there is a
lack of coherence and clarity.
If multiple theories are used,
a clear explanation for their
interrelationship is lacking or
The theory(ies) or
conceptual framework
used to frame the study
are identified and
explained through use of
the literature and study
If multiple frameworks
are used, a description is
provided for how they
interrelate within the
context of the study topic
and literature.
Nature of
The brief overview of the
study is incomplete or
unclear. The proposed
method and design are not
clearly described.
Components of the study
design, variables/constructs,
instruments and analyses are
A brief overview of the
study design,
instruments, and
analyses is provided
based on current
literature describing why
the proposed method
missing. Little to no
explanation for the chosen
method and design is
and design were chosen
to address the study’s
research question(s).
The research questions are
incomplete or lack coherence,
clarity, not testable, and/or
not aligned to the problem
and purpose.
The core concepts and/or
operational variables are
The hypotheses (quantitative
studies only) are incomplete
or lack coherence and clarity,
are not testable or not aligned
to problem, purpose, and/or
Research question(s) are
directly answerable
beyond a yes/no
response, fairly specific
and testable based on
the data collected.
Research questions are
aligned with design and
support the problem and
The core concepts
(qualitative) and/or
operational variables
(quantitative) are
If hypotheses are
included (quantitative
studies only), they are
singular, clear, balanced,
specific, and testable
based on the data
collected and align to the
study problem, purpose,
and design.
of the Study
The anticipated contribution
of the study is incomplete or
unclear. The need for the
study is not discussed and
there is a lack of current
literature supporting claims.
The significance does not
align with the problem.
A summary of the
contribution the study will
provide to the larger field
of study is provided. The
need for the study is
described and aligned
with the problem and is
supported with current
Definition of
Key Terms
The definitions of key terms
are incomplete or unclear.
Personal descriptions are
used, too many common
words are used, methods and
theoretical terms are
Definitions are provided
with appropriate citations
for most terms related to
the dissertation topic.
Terms are in alphabetical
Summary The summary of the study is
incomplete or unclear, lacks
focus on the need and
purpose of the study, method
and design, anticipated
outcomes, and transitions into
the next chapter.
Chapter ends with a
basic summary of the
need and purpose of the
study, method and
design, anticipated
contributions, and
transitions into the next
APA Format
Inconsistently applies
fundamental APA formatting
for TOC, List of Tables, List of
Figures, throughout the
Chapter. The template
requirements are not
Consistently applies
fundamental APA
formatting for TOC, List
of Tables, List of Figures,
throughout the Chapter.
The template
requirements are
Does not follow conventions
of scholarly writing, grammar,
and punctuation.
Follows conventions of
scholarly writing,
grammar, and