Week 7 Dq1

WK7 DQ1 100-150 WORDS

How will the Internet of Things change the way managers make decisions? Give an example of a data stream from sensor data that you would like to monitor. Please explain why this would be beneficial to you.



AElijah Coverini

Hello class,

“The rise of IoT devices means that we have to collect, process, and analyze orders of magnitude more data than ever before” (Yates, 2020). With so much more data in the palm of our hands, it has become much harder to make informed decisions at the drop of a hat. This means that managers need to spend more time reviewing more information and considering it than ever. One data stream to monitor is common log data. Logs can include the IP addresses of visitors. By checking IPs in a database, one can summarize where most traffic originates from.

B Ashley Burns

Hello Class and Professor,

I think the internet will help managers make decisions because they can do a lot of research before they make those decisions. The internet has a vast amount of information and data to help managers. It can be a bit easier on those managers as well because having that information will allow you to make decisions easier than without the internet. “By providing information based on facts and data trends, IoT data managed by ML eliminates bias from business decisions, thus improving business decision making. Additionally, machine learning provides insights in real-time when the data is relevant and meaningful, which again aids the decision-making process” (IoT Sense,2018).

C Destiny Carlisle

Hello Class,

IoT is becoming more and more popular in our everyday technology. Movies like iRobot is a good example of how it will affect our day-to-day life. IoT makes life convenient and easily accessible, these physically changes that are being added to our everyday products will not only track data but allow us to even use our refrigerators to help us keep track of our day-to-day activities. Would some consider this IoT approach similar to spyware, I am not sure, but this implementation allows data managers to make changes as needed based on finding simpler ways to help improve our way of life. This advent change is already making its way more prevalent in business settings. Using a board ranging from remote monitoring, RFID tags and autonomous robots. Just look at our devices, we use them daily and they track our data but using the search engines and even the GPS. As a prospect of becoming employed in one of these settings, I think that IoT is helpful for first responders, when it comes to emergency situations that involve much needed data to help those in need. I do think that should be a limitation on what some of these companies will be able to do with the information they have collected. Understanding the underlying vulnerability IoT is bring by tracking the data of its everyday consumers, can either make or break our society in an innovative way. I think that IoT has many potential advantages as well as disadvantages.