Week 8 Peer Review

PSY710 Cognitive and Affective Basis of Behavior Fall C 2016 Keiser University

Peer Review Rubric for Final Paper

Your Name: ______________________________                            Your Partner’s Name: ____________________

Date of Review: __________________________

  Levels of Achievement  
Criteria Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent Standard for Excellent Provide Written Feedback
Introduction         Student introduces topic, tells the reader what to expect, describes the significance of the problem.


Literature Review          Student uses scholarly literature to fully describe the topic and theory related to the topic. This includes the clear identification of distinct “literature streams.”  
Critical Thinking          Student displays critical thinking in evaluating and analyzing flaws in existing research, including clear identification of “gaps” or logical need for the proposed study.  
Creative Thinking          Student displays creative thinking by expressing value of proposed research and composing a complete set of relevant hypotheses to be investigated.  
Method Section: Sample          Student identifies and explains appropriate sample and sampling techniques. Student also identifies and clearly/completely explains logic for the research design including description of comparison/control groups.  
Method Section: Variables          Student clearly and completely explains all variables investigated or controlled in the design, including independent, dependent, predictor/predicted, covariates, etc. Operational definitions are clear. Steps to preserve the internal validity of the proposed study are explained (e.g., to satisfy concerns about confounding or noise variables).  
Method Section: Procedures         The proposed procedures are systematic, complete, and logically related to the stated purpose and hypotheses of the study.  
Hypothesized Findings          Hypotheses are articulated about what the anticipated findings would be. All relevant variables are included in this discussion. Patterns of results are described (including descriptive statistics and proposed analyses) and interpreted for their potential meaning for the stated purpose of the proposed study.  
Discussion of Limitations         Student provides critical reflection upon the methodological limitations on the internal and external validity of the proposed study. Barriers or obstacles to conducting the study, and solutions for addressing those, are included. Steps to manage risks to participants, the researcher, involved institution(s), and society are explained (in brief).  
APA Format         Manuscript meets APA standards  
Writing Mechanics          Student uses terminology and writes clearly and concisely (e.g., spells, constructs sentences, and punctuates correctly).  
Organization         Organization of paper demonstrates critical thinking.