Why do you think the data did (or didn’t) support the hypothesis?

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You’re going to do a scientific investigation on nutrition science. In the investigation, we need observations, hypothesis, the experimental design and data, and finally the conclusion. It must be involved with the chemistry of ground beef in the meatloaf recipe. Additionally, you should include the background information, theory behind it, and future experiments, etc.
Investigate the nutrients in the ground beef recipe.
Go to the library, or search online (must be reliable source, such as .org, .edu, .gov, etc.) about ground beef and the meatloaf recipe
Start your research with questions leading to a specific prediction or hypothesis. Then narrow your hypothesis by focusing on a particular idea.
Planning the Project
Give careful thought to experimental design.
Conduct Your Experiment
During experimentation, keep detailed notes of each and every experiment, measurement, and observation in your data logbook, or take picture or video record it if you can. Do not rely on memory. Remember to change only one variable at a time when experimenting and make sure to include control experiments in which none of the variables are changed. Make sure you include sufficient numbers of test subjects (at least 3 different tests). Be sure to devise effective data sheets that can easily be analyzed.
Examine your Results
When you complete your experiments, examine and organize your findings. Did your experiments give you the expected results? Why or why not? Was your experiment performed with the exact same steps each time? Are there other explanations that you had not considered or observed? Were there errors in your observations? Remember that understanding errors and reporting that a suspected variable did not change the results can be valuable information. If possible, statistically analyze your data.
Draw Conclusions
Which variables are important? Did you collect enough data? Do you need to conduct more experimentation? If your results do not support your original hypothesis, you still have accomplished successful research. An experiment is done to prove or disprove a hypothesis.
Writing the Research Project Report
Although this outline should prove useful to you in writing a research paper, you should also refer to scientific periodicals (journals) in order to develop a format and writing style appropriate for the area of study.
1. Title: Choose a title that briefly conveys to the reader the purpose of the paper.
2. Abstract: The abstract should give a brief summary of your research project, and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper’s purpose. It should include the results and conclusions of your research paper and the recommendations from you. It should be at least 200 words.
3. Introduction
The introduction provides the reader with the context needed to understand your work and its significance. The introduction explains the “why” of your paper, and provides background information on the history of scientific investigation that led to our present understanding of the phenomenon being studied. Introductions define key terms and specify the problem and the general investigative approach. Be sure to properly cite any historical background referred to in the introduction.
4. Materials and Methods
This section should describe what you did to get your data, but should not present the data itself. The description of your work needs to be specific that someone else can duplicate it with the expectation of getting the same result, assuming that the person was knowledgeable of the techniques involved.
Carefully outline the procedure and the techniques you used. Describe any deviations from standard procedures so that others can appraise the new procedures or attempt to reproduce the new procedures themselves.

5. Results
This section refers back to the question asked by the study and to the hypothesis. State what you found out and whether or not that data supported the hypothesis. Then present the summarized data to support this conclusion.
It is crucial that you clearly organize and present the outcomes of your experiments. This is best accomplished by presenting data in clearly labeled graphs and charts, consistently labeled and cited in the text. Graphs and tables should be clear without reference to the text. Number graphs and tables in the order in which they are mentioned in the text (i.e. Table 1, Table 2 and so on).
6. Discussion
The significance and interpretation of the study should be explained in this section. Discuss specific points made in the Results section in light of previous studies or hypotheses.
Some of the questions to be answered in this section are:
 Why do you think the data did (or didn’t) support the hypothesis?
 What previously unsuspected data phenomenon does this suggest?
 How might your experimental procedures be improved?
 Are some of your results due to artifacts? How do you know?
 What variables might you have overlooked?
 What other studies should be done on the basis of your results?
 How does this work affect the field you are working in?
Here is where you analyze your results and draw conclusions. You may also add opinions here (and only here), but keep your opinions brief.
7. Future Research: This section allows you to comment on your experiment. How could you improve your experiment? What were some sources of error? How could you modify your experiment or test another related hypothesis? What does the future hold for your work?
8. Acknowledgements: You should always credit those who assisted you, including individuals, businesses, and educational or research institutions.
9. Literature Cited: Cite all sources of fact or theory in your paper that were not generated by you (at least 3 different reliable sources). It should be in APA format.
Meatloaf Recipe