Wk 1, OPS 574: DR 1

APA format

175 – 265 words

Cite at least one (1) peer reviewed reference

Respond to the following:

Dr. Peter Wilms

In reading your response I want to highlight a quote “Problems in communicating between departments can arise as one of the biggest obstacles in an agile framework. Collaboration and general efficiency may be hampered by differences in location, time zone, and working hours.”

First, everything you wrote can be correct given the culture and circumstances, not to mention, the importance of communication has been a constant throughout time (me belief). In addition to this perspective, having teams throughout the world has been a potential problem in the past because of different times zones, etc.

The question I have for you and the class is with coming out of COVID and many organizations shifting to a hybrid workplace model during COVID do you still believe geographics still have a big impact on performance of teams throughout the world?


10/22/22, 12:30 PM