Wk 3, MHA 506: DR1

APA format

175 – 265 words

Cite at least one (1) peer-reviewed reference

Respond, agree, and further the conversation to Erika’s post; through a patient’s and/or physician’s point of view; or through supportive research to her claims.


Erika Cortez

Hi Dev,

I agree with your post that in social media, potential patients can advertise for consumer choice; however, what surprised me was that findings suggest that most medical tourism providers are not fully utilizing the potential of social media for tourism marketing. Medical tourism marketers should initiate more interactive forms of communication and promote more through social media and other online platforms. Online visitors’ comments, reviews, and queries must be monitored, and adequate responses have to be posted quickly to generate a positive destination image among medical tourists, residents, travel and tourism operators, and other stakeholders to ensure increasing growth in this sector. I also believe that saving money is another reason why people are turning to medical tourism, making price clearly a factor. For most patients, however, knowing the quality of care is world-class is the most important factor in their decision.

9:48 PM