Wk 4, ACC 543: DR 1

APA format

175 – 265 words

Cite at least one (1) peer reviewed reference

Respond to the following:


Dr. Bill Berry


Hi All,

There is a theme here. Often, senior managers implement a system without making sure everything is in place for that implementation. Often this includes both training and culture. In terms of culture, it takes a growth mentality of continuous improvement. Inherent in this is the risk of the culture being or becoming a blaming culture for failures rather than a celebrating culture for success. We need to find the besta nd have them share rather than finding the worst and have them explain.

Why is culture and training often overlooked?

Dr. Bill

Ancona, D. (2020, September 8). The Overlooked Key to Leading Through Chaos. MIT Sloan Management Review. https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/the-overlooked-key-to-leading-through-chaos/

8/18/22      2:54 PM