Wk 5, MHA 506: DR 2

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Freeman Johnson

1:20 PM

A 2019 report by The Leapfrog Group listed both Howard University Hospital (Washington, DC) and Hurley Medical Center (Flint, MI) as two of the worst healthcare organizations in the United States. Failing grades were assigned to pair for risks of patients dying from hospital-acquired infections (Sentinel Event), errors in medication management, and lapses in safety protocols.

Expectedly, this negative reporting detrimentally affected the hospitals and their negative branding image. Organizations lost the ability to retain current patients, as well as attract new patients and services required. The report named several areas that earned these facilities failing grades, are the reason many potential patients do not feel safe receiving services.

A reputation of low-quality healthcare services and products can lead to long standing, or irreparable damage to health care organization market share. Restoring of a tarnished branding image requires implementation of strong and specific branding strategies. It is important to recognize and acknowledge the pertinent issues or problems causing negative imaging of the health care organizations brand. Once recognized, apologies and atonement must be made to the public, while stating the organization’s plan to remedy its failures. Patient’s feedback is encouraged to help build positive community relations through open dialogue and available communication techniques. Continued evaluation is essential to restoring and maintaining the healthcare organizations positive brand.

Howard University Hospital and Hurley Medical Center Negative Brand Image (uniquewritersbay.com)