
  • Topic Questions
    PowerPoint is the visual aid to your speech, what are the steps to creating a PowerPoint that enhances your speech? What are some of the features that make PowerPoint so effective? What are the specific features of PowerPoint you appreciate the most?


ASSIGNMENT RUBRIC – Class Discussion Thread: Office Talk. Participating in this week’s discussion thread and satisfying all of the criteria of the assignment rubric listed below is worth 2.5 points each week towards the overall course grade. Points per Criteria Points Possible per Post
1st Post – made on a separate day from other posts Contributes to discussion: Made a well-thought, appropriate, and accurate response to all questions listed in discussion topic. 20 50
Quality of Post: Provides substantive detail to support ideas and statements. Utilized proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Accurately cites resources. 20
Met minimum word count – 100 words – Posted word count at the bottom of post e.g. wc=100 10
2nd Post – made on a separate day from other posts Made on a separate day from other posts 5 25
Quality of Post: Made a well-thought, appropriate, and accurate response to a classmate’s post. Provides substantive detail to support ideas and statements. Utilized proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Accurately cites resources. 10
Met minimum word count – 75 words – Posted word count at the bottom of post e.g. wc=75 10
3rd Post – made on a separate day from other posts Made on a separate day from other posts 5 25
Contributes to discussion: Find a website or Keiser Library article that offers accurate, relevant, and useful information referencing this week’s focus application. Describe why the information provided by this website is useful. Read through your classmates’ posts and avoid using sites already provided. Accurately lists URL or APA Reference at the bottom of the post. 10
Met minimum word count – 75 words – Posted word count at the bottom of post e.g. wc=75 10
Total Points 100 100