I am going to create the assessment myself. I need for you to do the essay portion for me.
Standard (include identifying numbers):RL.3.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing literal from nonliteral language.
A written portion in essay format in which you discuss your scoring criteria, your grading policies and an Instructional plan to guide future instruction for all students, particularly if students are not successful. See the rubric and my announcement from week 3 “Improving your Instructional Plan for future assignments” for additional help and info about this requirement.
My summative assessment consists of a variety of test questions. The questions range from matching, true or false, multiple choice, essay answer, and fill in the blank. Each test item is worth four points each that will equal up to 100 points. Half point grades are possible for essay questions. This depends on if the student has answered the question completely and correctly. I chose to do a variety question assessment, so that I can see how well my students understand the material on different levels. The questions are also based on different DOK levels.
For questions missed the most, I will revisit that standard and provide the necessary instruction needed to help students reach level of mastery. Even with questions that students feel they have an understanding, but still struggle to comprehend, I will revisit those as well. I want to prepare them as best as I can, so that when it is time for a final, they are right where they need to be.