MKTG Metrics and decision

Topic is “professors convincing the school administrators that grades should no longer be used in school, all courses should be pass/fail

Assignment #3: Communicating with Data

This assignment can be completed with a maximum of 4 people

(Note: Assignment #4 will be a continuation of this assignment and you will complete Assignment #4 with the same group as Assignment #3).

Due Date: April 10th by 5PM EST

Submission to Assignment #3 Assignment Folder should include:

1. Your completed Assignment #3 Defining the Context Worksheet2. Your final infographic pdf3. Share the link to view the infographic file in Canva for the professor to view the infographic online

Identify a topic of interest and assume that you need to get “buy-in” from someone or a group of people to agree to your idea, topic, project. The idea must be one that requires research and data to win support from the others you have identified. You can choose any topic, it doesn’t have to be marketing related, but it can be related to marketing if you wish.

Here are some topic ideas but you can come up with any topic of interest. All topics, even those from the list below, need to be approved to ensure each group is working on a unique idea.

Some topic ideas:

1. A parent convincing their child that a post-secondary degree is necessary2. An electric car manufacturer convincing consumers that they should only drive electric vehicles3. A husband convincing his wife that they should move from Toronto to a city with a warm climate because it is better for their health4. An organic food manufacturer convincing a grocery store to begin selling their product as it carries many health benefits for its customers5. Students trying to convince the government that College tuition should be free6. Professors convincing the school administrators that grades should no longer be used in school, all courses should be pass/fail7. A child convincing their parent that they should be allowed more time on their electronic devices as there are many benefits that can be realized from the Internet8. Employees convincing their employer that the company should move to a 4-day work week

You must get approval from the professor of your topic idea prior to starting work on it. Please see the Assignment #3 Padlet (in the Content Section under Assignment #3) where you will post your Group Members and Topic for review/approval. You must also register your group in eCentennial under Assignment #3 Groups.

Assignment Requirements: 

Once your topic is approved, download, save and complete the Assignment #3 Defining the Context Worksheet. Then, create an infographic in Canva to convince your audience to support your idea. Use data and visuals to easily and clearly communicate your message and gain support.

Submit the following to the Assignment Folder: 

1. Your completed Assignment #3 Defining the Context Worksheet2. Your final infographic pdf 3. A link to the infographic file in Canva for the professor toview the infographic online

Assignment Instructions: 

Step 1 (10 marks): 

Complete the Assignment #3 Defining the Context Worksheet. Answer all questions in the worksheet prior to beginning work on the infographic. This will ensure your infographic effectively builds an argument in support of your topic and is most effective at convincing your stakeholder(s) to buy-in to your idea. Refer to our practice activities in the lesson from Week 10 when completing the worksheet.

Step 2 (15 marks):

Create an Infographic that includes at minimum 3 uses of data to gain support for and convince your audience to accept your idea. *Consider Week 11’s lesson on Choosing a Visual and Eliminating Clutter when selecting how best to represent your data to support your idea.

Your infographic must include:

• At least one data point represented as Simple Text • At least one visual that is a graph, table, scatter plot, bar chart• The rest of the data and the visuals you choose to use are up to you

Be sure to Consider Gestalt’s Principles of Visual Perception (also from Week 11) in designing the most visually appealing and effective infographic to support your idea.

Step 3:

Upon completion of your infographic, submit the following to the Assignment Folder

4. Your completed Assignment #3 Defining the Context Worksheet5. Your final infographic pdf 6. Share the link to view the infographic file in Canva for the professor to view the infographic online