Eccovia is the company we are doing research for. We need to type a literature report for caseworkers and victims of domestic violence.
Literature search topics from initial meeting:
Focus of Study: Caseworkers: Research to see if information on the following is available
What is not working in terms of case management as it relates to serving IPV intimate partner violence
services. Can we isolate what is not working specifically to software used to direct victims to services?(
Information on failings of software from caseworker point of view?
Information on failings from victim point of view?
Software usage and software dependence
Salary range
Career length
Why do they leave the career?
Education level/background
Personal characteristics
Competitor software:
Wellsky and BA Focus
Day to life of caseworker
How can caseworkers be better served by software
ID referral services you identify
What compels caseworkers to use SAS?
Do they have the right data at the right time?
What is EccoviaEccovia is a software company that seeks to assist the health and human
services through case and data management. These fields are varied and
numerous, but they all share one thing in common: people. We support
organizations ranging from healthcare and behavioral health to homeless
management and refugee resettlement. By helping our partners coordinate
and integrate with both public and private organizations across every segment
of HHS, our services ensure that people are at the center of their own care.
Eccovia’s Mission Statement and
ValuesEccovia aims to be the clear vendor of choice in the Health & Human and
Social Services community and demonstrates our expertise through client
referrals, peer validation, and continued growth in the market. We provide
unlimited opportunities to people in “helping organizations” so that they can be
more successful in accomplishing their goals. We are continually improving