Curriculum Vitae Resume



Answer all questions below:

[A] In one of this week’s posted reading, which is an online article from called “What Is a CV? Curriculum Vitae Definition and Examples”, there are two embedded videos.  Read the whole article and watch both videos.

  • In the first video called How to Write a CV for a Job Application, describe 2 tips shared by Jenn the career coach that you found to be most valuable and that you will use when creating your own CV 
  • In the second video called Tips for a Great CV (video is located at the bottom of the page), describe 1 unique idea that you learned from Mr. Verrion Wright who was the subject of that video 

[B] A good résumé/CV is one that will get you hired for a job, get you accepted into graduate or professional school, help get you promoted, or help you get far in life. If the tables are turned and you are the hiring manager, the admissions officer, or the supervisor with the power to promote someone:

  • What would you EXPECT to see on a good résumé/CV?  Please provide some details of résumé/CV components would meet your approval 
  • On the flip side what would you definitely NOT want to see on a résumé/CV? (issues that can be deal-breakers)