Task 1
Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_w7SEvbYGU
Video2: The Difference between Strategic Planning and Strategic Thinking, HBR
Please answer below 2 questions after watching above 2 youtube videos with references(All in 1 page).
Question 1:
What is the key importance of focus for strategy? What are some ways to ensure focus for implementing strategy?
Question 2:
How can strategic planning be differentiated from strategic thinking? What do you need to do to be a strategic thinker?
Please answer below 2 questions after watching above 3 youtube videos with references(All in 1 page).
1) Is the business you are working with for your team project in the blue ocean or red ocean? How did you decide and what are the key aspects that define this business in the blue ocean or red ocean?
2) What strategies do you suggest for this business to achieve success either in the red ocean or blue ocean? Do you see the business already working on these strategies or do they need to be developed? Any advice for the business?