Background Research

  1. Read the course materials attached.
  2. Write a 3-page paper following these guidelines:
    1. Conduct research on the current gaps of information governance in healthcare.
    2. Write a background study in accordance with guidelines provided in Writing a Good Study Background. (see attached file)
  3. Compose your paper in Microsoft Word. Include your name, the assignment name, the course and section number, and the date. Cite all sources according to APA format. Be sure to include references properly cited using APA. Apply appropriate APA headings and subheadings for each prompt.
  4. Your work will automatically be checked by Turnitin. 
  5. Access your Turnitin report by reviewing your Submission Details for this assignment. Revise your work as needed based on the feedback

Links to reading materials: 

  • [Best Practices, Information by Industry: Healthcare.] (2021).  InfoGov Basics

Reference for the chapter 4 and 5 document: 

F., S. R. (2018). Information governance for healthcare professionals: A practical approach. Productivity Press.