Discussion Response 1

Reply to the below post in 300-400 words. The reply must include at least 3  scholarly sources (published within the last 5 years) in addition to the course textbook (attached) and relevant biblical integration. All citations and references must be in the current APA format.  Do not repeat the same sources as the original post, use of the text, or Biblical integration.


As the present global economic environment becomes increasingly complex and ever-changing, it is important for managers to have a higher level of autonomy to adapt to rapid changes. However, giving the burden of hiring, appraising, and compensating subordinates solely to a manager can be overwhelming. Organizations that are decentralized and more horizontal in structure tend to give managers more sway on hiring decisions, compared to a more vertical, centralized organization. This allows decentralized organizations to tailor their recruiting to search for the right candidate, rather than a corporate team hiring a candidate without the input of the manager that will oversee the employee (McMichael, 2022). Allowing a manager, the autonomy of choosing his or her employees allows smaller teams to be more coherent and ensures the teams can work well together. Integrating an HR professional with a manager allows the manager to make informed decisions on the hiring process. For example, Walgreens embeds an HR professional with their functional managers, to ensure sound hiring practices and decisions (Noe et al., 2023).

           There are many reasons managers may desire to hire their own employees or decide that he or she wants a say in their employees’ compensation. One reason is due to the growing number of outsourced recruiting firms that have their own agenda when hiring employees for another company. The emotional connection and personality similarities that characterize a manager and his or her team may not be taken into consideration when an outside hiring agency helps place a new employee within the organization. Some managers feel that for their team to run as a cohesive unit, they should be able to pick who can join that team through the hiring process. There can be an argument for giving managers more autonomy to choose their employees, mainly due to the personality and camaraderie dilemmas that could arise within small teams, which could lead to unproductive behaviors and morale issues. Depending on the job, it may be easier for organizations to allow outside sources to pick potential job candidates, and with remote work becoming more popular, so is the practice of outside-source hiring. “The recruiting and hiring function has been eviscerated. Many U.S. companies—about 40%, according to research by Korn Ferry—have outsourced much if not all of the hiring process to recruitment process outsourcers” (Capelli, 2021, para. 3).

            While allowing managers to hire employees sounds like a great idea in some situations, allowing managers the autonomy to compensate their employees may not produce the best results. Often, managers could get caught up in emotional decisions when an employee is not performing well for one quarter. Allowing that manager to compensate his or her employees could lead to compensation inequalities throughout departments. Having a Human Resource Department or someone at the company’s executive level deciding the compensation allows for fair compensation plans throughout the organization. This shelters employees from the amount of power that is given to possible disgruntled managers. Whatever decision an organization makes on the autonomy of its managers, Christians should always remember to treat others with equality and respect throughout business and life. God’s word says, “And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them” (New King James Version Bible, 1971/1995, Luke 6:31).


Capelli, P. (2021, November 23). Your approach to hiring is all wrong. Harvard Business

Review. Retrieved September 4, 2022, from https://hbr.org/2019/05/your-approach-to-


McMichael, E. (2022, January 28). Improve hiring agility with a decentralized recruitment

model. iCIMS. Retrieved from https://www.icims.com/blog/improve-hiring-agility-with-a- (Links to an external site.)

decentralized-recruitment- (Links to an external site.)

model/#:~:text=A%20decentralized%20recruitment%20model%20moves,even%20take%2 (Links to an external site.)

0a%20hybrid%20approach. (Links to an external site.)

New King James Version Bible. (1995). https://nasb.literalword.com/  (Links to an external site.)(Original work published


Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B. A., & Wright, P. M. (2023). Human Resource

Management: Gaining a competitive advantage. McGraw-Hill.