Discussion 12: What is Happiness?

So, this week we will begin to try to answer the unanswerable question: “What is happiness?” Please create a response to both prompts by Wednesday:

Part 1 Read Preston’s article, “The Dalai Lama’s Ski Trip: What I Learned in the Slush with His HolinessLinks to an external site.”. There’s no bigger question than the meaning of life, and yet, Preston writes, “[p]eople had been afraid to ask” about it for the entire duration of the Dalai Lama’s visit. Why might people have been hesitant? And do you agree with the Dalai Lama that “The meaning of life is happiness”?

Part 2

Finally, I dare you to answer this difficult question. Are you happy? If you are not, do you know what would it take to make you happy?