Biotechnology: Extraction of DNA from Strawberries


Attached is the protocol for extracting DNA from strawberries. If you do not have strawberries, you can use onions (smells bad), papaya or mango. 

After reviewing the protocol, create a video of your experiment including the following: (If you are not bale to create a video, you can create a series of pictures in a single file to document your progress and results. Include images of the setup, each step and your results).

  • Introduction of your experiment protocol: what the experiment is, what materials you will be using and what your final outcome should be. (10 points)
  • Carrying out the protocol with documentation and explanations of the steps. (10 points)
  • Final results showing extracted DNA and explanation of expected results. If results are not as expected, explain what may have been the problem and how you would fix any problems or mistakes. If results are as expected, be sure to explain your results. (10 points)

The video below explains how to add a video to the assignment text box.