Maternal and Child Health – Read a Paper Excerpt : Socioeconomic Disadvantages (MHC) section

 READ THIS PLEASE: MY part is the Socioeconomic Disadvantages (MHC) section DO NOT CHOOSE OTHER SECTION PLEASE We will be reading a paper about disparities in maternal and child health. Before you get started, please watch this video for some background: For this post, each person in your group will become an expert on … Read more


   Explain and differentiate between sterilization and commercial sterilization.   What organism does commercial sterilization aim to destroy?          Describe three (3) different physical methods of controlling microbial growth:        Describe three (3) different chemical methods of controlling microbial growth:        Briefly summarize the 4 (four) different Biosafety … Read more

bio dis9

  Antibiotics have saved millions of lives since they were first observed by Pasteur and Koch and later named by Selman Waksman in 1942. Unfortunately, antibiotic-resistant microbial strains are becoming more prevalent and therefore making once easily treated infections more difficult to treat. For your initial discussion post, share your thoughts on three ways that … Read more

Evolution Exploration Activity

Answer the questions below, save this file as a .docx, and upload this file to the correct Exploration Activity submission location.

Ecosystem Ecology Activity

Answer the questions below, save this file as a .docx, and upload this file to the correct Exploration Activity submission location.Answer the questions below, save this file as a .docx, and upload this file to the correct Exploration Activity submission location.

Get to Know a Scientist: Lawrence David

  This week you have learned about how the food you eat influences your metabolism and digestive processes. When considering these digestive processes, we tend to think about the organs of the gut, including the colon; however, it turns out there are other cells that are just as important to our digestive health – bacterial … Read more

Ultra-Processed Diets – Reading a Paper Excerpt – Ultra-Processed Diets 5

  Ultra-Processed Diets – Reading a Paper Excerpt – Ultra-Processed Diets 5 From Sum22_BIOL011_51134No unread replies.No replies. For this post, you will become an expert on one section of the paper: Ultra-Processed Diets Cause Excess Calorie Intake and Weight Gain: An Inpatient Randomized Controlled Trial of Ad Libitum Food Intake.Links to an external site.  This … Read more

Discussion Board 5

 Question #1: What do you think gluten is and do you think this is a one size fits all diet for the digestive system?

Genetically Vigorous Populations Paper – 1050 to 1400 Words

  Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper about genetically vigorous populations. Include the following items: Genetic Diversity: Explain the importance of genetic diversity and how genetic diversity in plants and animals supports long-term viability, biodiversity, and biotic integrity. Describe specific examples of at least one plant population and at least one animal population that lacks genetic diversity, … Read more

Zoo Animals and Hybrids – 175 Words

 Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:  Are animals in zoos or aquariums better off than their counterparts in the wild? Why or why not? Choose an animal species and discuss relative levels of competition, parasites, disease loads, predation threats, animal psychology, and social relations in the wild versus in a zoo … Read more