
 What are the different portals of entry for a pathogen to enter the body?         Define the following disease categories:  Endemic –  Sporadic –  Epidemic –  Pandemic –          Describe the difference between innate immunity and adaptive immunity.  Which type of immunity is specific and typically longer lasting?       … Read more

Discussion 3

As a human services professional, you must consider ethical and human diversity issues related to collecting data for research. From your readings and your experience, discuss what you have observed about this topic. Comment on at least one other classmate’s observations as well.

Research rough draft

This is in the form of a 3-4 page paper in APA format (page # requirement not including title or reference page). Title Page (APA) Statement of Research topic and Research Question (1 page – incorporate any feedback from class and instructor) Review of Literature Section (1.5 pages at least 5 incorporated into 5 paragraphs – remember … Read more

Practice worksheet

Complete the file “Unit Three Research Skill Practice worksheet” attached below.  (If you would like to work in groups of 2 you can, just put both names on the assignment top) Using Marlow (pages 158 and 196), read the example research statement, and complete the form.  

Let’s Analyze the Data! – Mountain Lion Datum 6

 Part 1 This discussion is set up as a group discussion so that you can share information with your colleagues and benefit from the information they share with you. After considering all pieces of information from the discussion post, you will determine if the building of a wildlife crossing could increase the genetic viability of … Read more

mental health

  Each student will complete a written assignment to demonstrate their understanding of the 5-step action plan (ALGEE). Sample vignettes are provided here in the attached files. Each student will choose one vignette and type a response delineating how they would implement each step of the ALGEE action plan. This typed response should be provided … Read more


  There are few individuals in the world who have not been impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19).   For your initial post, do some research on coronaviruses and then share what you learn about how a typical coronavirus compares to COVID-19. What does it mean for a virus to “mutate” and what could this mean to the process … Read more

Type 1 Diabetes

 Jason is 11 years old and has Type 1 Diabetes. He was diagnosed with Diabetes when he was 5 years old. He is comfortable taking his “blood sugar” readings during the day. He likes to participate in sports and is on the soccer team, which practices three times a week after school. His mother always … Read more

Microbio discuss 9

  Antibiotics have saved millions of lives since they were first observed by Pasteur and Koch and later named by Selman Waksman in 1942. Unfortunately, antibiotic-resistant microbial strains are becoming more prevalent and therefore making once easily treated infections more difficult to treat. For your initial discussion post, share your thoughts on three ways that … Read more

Anatomy discuss 09

  Vertigo often presents as dizziness, which can have many causes. In this discussion, we will examine causes and their related anatomy and physiology. Within the article, The Treatment and Natural Course of Peripheral and Central Vertigo, select one type of vertigo to read about. Focus on the anatomy and physiology, as opposed to the treatments.   Initial … Read more