written assignment – concept map diabetic client

    https://www.myamericannurse.com/interprofessional-collaboration-made-easy/ https://tigerconnect.com/blog/5-benefits-of-interprofessional-collaboration-in-healthcare/   Interdisciplinary communication/collaboration has been researched and used with success to better patient outcomes and satisfaction across all areas of healthcare. Please take a moment to review the articles provided and then be prepared to share your own thoughts in a written APA paper (2-3 pages NOT including your title or … Read more

Microbio Discussn 08

There are few individuals in the world who have not been impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19).   For your initial post, do some research on coronaviruses and then share what you learn about how a typical coronavirus compares to COVID-19. What does it mean for a virus to “mutate” and what could this mean to the process of … Read more

Discussion no more than 200 words

As a human services professional, you must consider ethical and human diversity issues related to designing studies for research. From your readings and your experience, discuss what you have observed about this topic. Comment on at least one other classmate’s observations as well.


  In this TED Talk, Dr. Janine Benyus introduces a new field of design and engineering that marries two seemingly different fields. On one hand, engineers are constantly faced with new challenges that require clever new solutions. On the other hand, biologists uncover innovative adaptations in form and function in a variety of different species … Read more


Unlike the Reflections, for your Analyst’s Paper choose a topic that relates to the materials covered during your studies of the Homeland Security world. This topic cannot be one that you wrote about in any of your courses at APUS or any other institute of higher learning. This is your opportunity to explore in-depth a … Read more

pediatric nurse

  For this written assignment, select one recent (within the past two years) evidence-based article from a peer reviewed nursing journal that describes a “best practice” in an area of nursing you are interested in. For example, if you would like to be a pediatric nurse, select an article that discusses a best practice in pediatric … Read more

Biodiversity and the Revitalization of the LA River

  Overview & Background For this assignment, we will be focusing on one of the goals of the Los Angeles River Revitalization Master Plan: to revitalize the river by improving water quality and restoring a functional ecosystem.  For this assignment, you will again focus on the animal species you selected for LA River Species Selection … Read more