PhD Thesis Dissertation

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arsenic, contaminated soils; Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs) in groundwater

Site information: Provide information on the source(s), amount, extent, fate, and transport characteristics of the contaminant(s) at each site. Be as specific as possible. Include soil and hydrogeology, as applicable.  Remediation technology review: Present a general review of current remediation technologies applicable to each site. Do not limit it to biological remediation. Include biological, physical, chemical, and thermal technologies.  … Read more

Performing a TRX back row

1. Professionalism  • Professional title slide • Presentation looks appealing, cohesive, and well-organized • References page included at the end for any outside sources       2. Explanation of Exercise/Activity  • General explanation of exercise/activity • Explanation of the purpose of the exercise/activity (whether related to sport or activities of daily living) • Explanation of personal experience … Read more

aging adults

  Presentation Outline: Create a hand out for your audience about your topic presentation. The outline must include the following components: MY OUTLINE TOPIC IS AGING ADULTS Can be either bulleted outline or PowerPointformat Limited to one page Include three student learning objectives What do you want your audience to learn/gainfrom your presentation? Follow this … Read more

Research Paper in Ecology Lab

 Scientific Research Paper  You will write a lab report using the scientific format of introduction, methods, results, and discussion to report the findings of this lab. You need to search the literature on  edge effects for your introduction and to support or to compare with your conclusions for  the discussion section of your paper (citing … Read more


Throughout this capstone course, you are building an ePortfolio that captures your knowledge, skills, and abilities in the field of health care administration. In this week’s ePortfolio, you uploaded supporting documents that align with each of the five executive competencies for the ACHE. Use this journal space to reflect on how your supporting documents reveal … Read more

Reflection 05 Anatomy

  After reviewing and studying this module’s content, answer the following 5 questions. Be sure to complete all lab activities and attend/watch all live lectures before completing this assignment. All of your answers should be written in your own words, using full sentences, correct terminology, and proper spelling and grammar.   Explain the anatomical concepts associated with skeletal muscles and joints. Summarize … Read more

Need Sunday 9pm Central Time

Community Engagement You will be designing a presentation for a women’s group regarding the prevalence of heart disease among African American women. Remember, your group will be diverse in educational background and age. Your goal is to create a creative, engaging presentation that will engage all ages and educational backgrounds. Guidelines for your Project  No … Read more

need sunday 10pm central

Research Assignment – Part Two In this course, you will be assigned a research assignment on a health-related topic of your choice. Be sure to review the research assignment guidelines included in Module 7. The research assignment will be broken into three parts. This module will focus on part two of the assignment. For this … Read more