
   Biotechnology is poised to become one of the most valuable scientific revolutions of the 21st century. Because the field is developing so quickly, the gap between expert and non-expert knowledge is increasing at a time when societal decisions about it are becoming more and more important. Use evidence-based responses to the discussion questions below:  … Read more

Do you think unions should be aloud to organize with just a card check or should it still require a secret ballot?

 PLEASE ANSWER 4 QUESTIONS **Please see “The American Labor” attached to answer question 1 **Please see “Secret Ballot” attached to answer question 2 Question 1 – Please read the article from the link and discuss your thoughts on the article. Original posts by Thursday, Final posts by Sunday. Question 2 – Do you think unions … Read more

Anatomy and Physiology

   Case Study Assignment. You are a medical student working your way through college and are assigned to a hospital given background information on a patient. You were provided the chief complaint and brief history of the patient outlined below. You are asked by the nurse in charge to read the following case, investigate the … Read more

Discussion Board 4

  Smokeless tobacco products, or “vapes”, have been promoted by several companies as a healthier alternative to smoking. These companies have also been accused to marketing these products to minors and young adults, two populations that may be at high risk of developing long-term cardiopulmonary complications as a result of the heavy use of these … Read more

anatomy due on 10/22

Your shoulder is aching, so you do a complete circumduction at the glenohumeral joint. Which specific functional branch(es) of the NERVOUS SYSTEM are responsible for the sensory ache and motor responses that stimulate this action? Explain your logic. List all of the ACTIONS involved in a complete circumduction at the glenohumeral joint. Be certain you … Read more

Discussion Topic

Discussion- Nicotine Since 2009, the U.S. federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has had the authority to regulate all tobacco products; in2019, U.S. federal law raised the minimum age for buying tobacco products from18 to 21 years old. Do you think such federal laws will help to keep teens and young adults from beginning to … Read more

18 najlepszych sposobow na ubieranie się w dżinsy dla grubych ludzi aby stać się szczupłymi

  Nie ma potrzeby męczyć się z ulubioną parą dżinsów, jeśli nie pasują. Istnieje 18 sposobów na to, aby te stare nici zmieniły się na lepsze, a te wskazówki pokażą, jak to zrobić w ciągu zaledwie jednego dnia! Kieszonkowe super proste wskazówki dotyczące noszenia dżinsów dla grubych ludzi Może o tym nie wiecie, ale jestem … Read more