Discuss Your Personal Experience With Business Ethics And Sustainability

Discuss Your Personal Experience with Business Ethics and Sustainability In order to differentiate between local and global businesses and their roles in leading and organizing for sustainability and ethics, consider your required readings from the textbook which impacts how global businesses lead and share information for sustainability and ethical behavior. What principles of sustainability do … Read more

Presenting The Marketing Plan (4-6 Pages) With Title Page And References, APA Format

One of the first marketing plans you will develop will be to market your personal brand. A personal brand is how you want to be seen. It will reflect your personality, your skills, and your experiences to tell the story of YOU. As with branding in business, your personal brand will differentiate you from others. … Read more


6. Inventories and the Bottom Line Use resources available on the internet (e.g., Yahoo! Finance. (n.d.). http://finance.yahoo.com/) to access the annual reports (financial statements and balance sheets) of one of your favorite listed companies to: Extract their latest total revenue, cost of revenue, total assets, and year-end or average inventory. Use these numbers to prepare their inventory/total … Read more

Assessment 1: Investigative Accounting Practices

Write 4-5 pages in response to the items listed for each of the four case studies included in this assessment. Introduction Despite increased exposure, better corporate governance, and general increased awareness, financial, and other types of fraud are not going away. While financial fraud includes the increasing problem of identity theft and other nontraditional crimes, … Read more


The response to lectures involves a bit of library and internet research. You should choose an issue or point raised in the lecture, find a scientific, peer-reviewed article by doing an online library search. Then do an internet search for another relevant source on that issue or point. You should briefly summarize each of your … Read more

Business Management

Critical Thinking Questions 1 What happened at Wells Fargo with regard to past activities that led to this major scandal? 2 What internal dimensions of the company were part of the problems that occurred? 3 How might the organizational structure of the company have been part of the problems that occurred? 4 Identify and use … Read more