8210 Wk8 Assignment

You had the chance earlier in the week to perform an article critique on correlation and simple linear regression and obtain peer feedback. Hopefully you are excited about the potential these tests hold; equally important is that you recognize some of their weaknesses. Now, it is once again time to put all of that good … Read more

8210 Dis. Wk8

Whether in a scholarly or practitioner setting, good research and data analysis should have the benefit of peer feedback. For this Discussion, you will perform an article critique on correlation and bivariate regression. Be sure and remember that the goal is to obtain constructive feedback to improve the research and its interpretation, so please view … Read more

discusion 2 out of 11

Describe your experience using an LMS. How does the interface support or not support your learning? For example, examine your navigation experience (for example, how easy or difficult it was to find information for class material or track your progress). Include at least one scenario to support your response.

Week 1 bus

Introduce yourself to your peers by sharing something unique about your background.    Click here to select a company from the Approved Company List.  You will research this company throughout the course.    Using the company selected from the Approved Company List, and referencing Exhibit 1B in your textbook, identify an influential stakeholder for your selected company. Do not choose the CEO or any executive officer of the company.  Describe … Read more


   You have examined various assessments in past assignments, analyzed their strengths and weaknesses, and reported on their reliability and validity. Why is this so important to early childhood educators? What purpose is there to all this? Teaching is a cyclical process. It must involve the following:

Watch “New Worlds New Forms”

  After watching the video, answer the following questions in    e s s a y    format. E s s a y   must be 250-300 words. What two different cultural groups are being compared in the film?  Describe some of the movement characteristics of each group. What is cultural fusion?  Give an example of a two … Read more


  You will turn in and discuss an ACAPS handout critique from the PRIMARY DOCUMENTS section of the Textbook.  Be sure you are using information from the READER! Pick any document from Chapters 24-25 Answer as completely as possible each of the questions in the ACAPS handout and submit as an attachment. Chapter link- http://www.americanyawp.com/reader.html


 Direction : I need a total of 10 slides with pictures and bullet points from each chapter: These slides will focus on  Chapters 4: Planning a Play-based Curriculum; Chapter 6: Design Considerations, and Chapter 18: Creating Spaces for Families and Teachers. The book is below: I need this assignment back by tomorrow by midnight ASAP  … Read more


Part 1: Complete Access database file  The purpose of this project is to demonstrate your understanding of the following course concepts: 1. Create and run a query. 2. Perform Calculations in a query. 3. Create and modify forms. 4. Create and modify reports. Part 2: PROJECT REFLECTION Answer the following questions when you submit your … Read more