Civil Rights Matrix – ONL

  Part I: Utilize the Topic 6 Readings as a resource to complete the “Civil Rights Movement Matrix.” Each box should be 60-75 words per box. Be sure to cite and reference all sources. Part II: Summarize and state the significance of each of the snapshots of the Civil Rights movement. The first one is an example. This … Read more

Hidden Hazards of FireFighting

more details in text USE THESE SOURCE SITE IN APA!

Lesson Plan for English Language Learners

Creating lesson plans that align the English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards and content standards is a requirement of educators who have English language learners in their classrooms. Among the most important aspects of English language development are the integration of language instruction and practice across the content areas, which includes differentiation of instruction to address … Read more

8083 MD3 Assign2

   You have examined various assessments in past assignments, analyzed their strengths and weaknesses, and reported on their reliability and validity. Why is this so important to early childhood educators? What purpose is there to all this? Teaching is a cyclical process. It must involve the following: Having a direction (a      measurable objective or clear … Read more


Use these sources.

due today ….. 8 hours ….. child development

This assignment is due today in 8 hours  Half page is ok  Read Chapter 6 in the attachment  Answer the following question:   Explain a strategy for positively guiding and supporting the development of young children’s self-regulation skills.  Be SURE you are using a strategy suggested in your textbook.  Why did you choose this strategy? Does … Read more

Discussion questions post

 Discuss the ethical dilemmas created by feeding issues and malnutrition in relation to those with disabilities. Give your opinion on this topic mentioning policies that you feel should be in placed regarding this  


You’re interviewing for the position of “Curriculum Developer” for a new STEM high school in the area. How might you answer the following interview questions? 1.    How do you differentiate between curriculum improvement, curriculum reform, and curriculum revision? 2.    How would you collaborate with the Instructional Supervisor or Coach at the school? 3. … Read more

8084mod3 discuss

   Stakeholder involvement and buy-in are arguably among the most important aspects of program evaluation. Without involvement and buy-in, evaluation efforts will fall short of its goals as comprehensive data collection will be invalid, or even worse, unobtainable.

Education Research

Part 5: The problem is cultural PLUS extra articles posted in readings Dealing with whiteness to empower students to fight for common good Listening to students: Stories from the Education Effect Living with the tensions of hope and despair The dark & the dazzling: Children leading us back from the edge Voices of those we … Read more