
PART ONE:  Socialization occurs throughout the life cycle. For this question I want you to use your creativity (there are no right or wrong answers, just effort!). I want you to reflect on the following questions and create a mini-art project of your choice. This could be a poem,  digital collage, a short film, a … Read more


 Below, please find some examples of persuasive speeches. Based on your readings in the course textbook and lecture folder, state what you think of the speeches. Do you find them effective? What do you like or dislike about them? How is the speaker able to convince or persuade the audience in seeing things from his … Read more


  This week, you will be preparing your “Speaking to Inform” speech and video. You also learned about “Delivery” and “Using Visual Aids”. As you watch the following videos, look at how the speakers use visual aids and their voice to convey their message effectively and connect with the audience. You will also see note … Read more


  Individual Discussion Topics: 1) For Francisco’s resume, write the Work Experience section for the following three jobs. They span approximately five years. Make up any information that is missing. Francisco worked at Oleander Juice Bar. He took orders for and prepared juice drinks. He also operated the cash register and balanced the register each … Read more

Step 1 Prepare the 7th edition APA References page.

  Prepare Reference entries from the following information. Use the APA style unless your instructor specifies a different style. For titles, use italics. Arrange the finished entries in alphabetical order, not numbered: A journal article titled “Networking the Classroom” by Christopher Conte. The article appears in volume 5 of CQ Researcher, a journal that pages issues … Read more

Future of Healthcare

How would a healthcare system of the future look like if you could create it? Offer supportive evidence to your ideas. APA format, in-text citation, references include ( 2 scholars), 1 page


  Instructions Watch TopicToggleYour ActivityEnter Fullscreen Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: review Chapter 3, 6, 7 Lesson Minimum of 1 video Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook/lesson) Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, address the following: Why is knowing your audience an important part of … Read more

Passive or Active

1.The following sentence is written in the passive voice:“We were invited by the Chamber of Commerce to attend the Grand Opening.” True OR False2.The following sentence is written in the passive voice:“First Sergeant, both of those Army interviews were conducted by SSG Simmons.” True OR False3.The following sentence is written in passive voice:“There is considerable knowledge of … Read more