
I need a write-up of at least 350 words on ”Writing and Approving the Constitution.”    Your postings are your reactions and educated opinions, NOT merely a retelling of the historical event. 1) Read the three YAWP readings – links provided below.  https://occc.mrooms3.net/mod/resource/view.php?id=2820867&redirect=1 https://occc.mrooms3.net/mod/resource/view.php?id=2820868&redirect=1 https://occc.mrooms3.net/mod/resource/view.php?id=2820869&redirect=1 2) Read Thomas Jefferson’s response letter to Benjamin Banneker, link … Read more

MUSI 1306 Research Project

We live in a multicultural society, and we often think that this is a uniquely modern and American condition. Our study of history shows us that this is not the case. Still, it is helpful to consider the role of cross-cultural influences in our own society. What constitutes influence, and how do we recognize it … Read more


Emma Goldman on Patriotism (July 9, 1917) W.E.B DuBois, “Returning Soldiers” (May, 1919) https://fod-infobase-com.occc.idm.oclc.org/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=120615&loid=436174 https://fod-infobase-com.occc.idm.oclc.org/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=120616&loid=436200 https://fod-infobase-com.occc.idm.oclc.org/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=120616&loid=436201   1) Read the provided YAWP readings. 2) Review the video provided.  3) Read about “Controlling Dissent” on pages 670 – 673 of the US History online textbook.  4) Read about the ACLU on pages 704 – 707 of … Read more

America and Terrorism

  Oklahoma City Bombing 9/11 Bombing of the World Trade Centers Boston Marathon Bombings   Explain if you think that global terrorism can be stopped. Analyze the responsibility of the United States today to be the world’s “policeman.” Assess if peace and stability in the Middle East are vital to U.S. economy and national security. If … Read more


  Identify and elaborate on one or two lessons you have learned from our study of United States history that affect you today in your daily life and/or work. Provide advice to the next group of students who will be taking this course. How has this course affected you today in your daily life and/or … Read more


  Isabel Wilkerson equates the Great Migration with other vast movements of refugees from war or famine, where people must “go great distances… to reach safety with the hope that life will be better wherever they land.” Talk about migration due to necessity in terms of Ida Mae, George and Robert. Why did each decide to migrate? How do their stories differ? How were they … Read more


 a specific entry from Wikipedia and check for changes that have occurred over a period of six months, and then you will compare the information from the Wikipedia entry with the information from the Encyclopedia Britannica Academic (BA), an established reference source.  The writing is about HAGIA SOPHIE Consider such questions as these to help … Read more

distinctive aspects of Mayan, Aztec and Incan agriculture

Please write 250-300 words, on the following:  Topic: Describe the distinctive aspects of Mayan, Aztec and Incan agriculture. Identify lessons—good or bad—that contemporary agricultural systems might take from these different forms of agriculture. You may want to consider what climate might benefit from any of these techniques or identify a crop that might be suitable … Read more

FAS 202 Final Project

Read the attached guidlines and rubric for instructions. The comparitive art analysis is going to be about “The two Fridas” by Frida Kahlo and “Self-potrait” by Judith Leyester. You will compare those two works with eacother and then comparing them to the modern world “selfie”