The Islamic World

Forum: The Islamic World 11 unread reply.11 reply. Based on your readings in this module, answer the following questions. (1) In what ways did Muhammad emerge as a religious and political leader? (2) What are the principal teachings of Islam? (3) In what ways did the Islamic movement fracture and divide? In your response, you … Read more

SPC – Module 4

Think about the last time you needed to work in a small group. What was it you were supposed to do, a project, an activity, plan an event, solve a problem, etc.? Was the end result of your working together productive or unproductive? Why do you think this was so? Were you the leader of … Read more


These may not be older than six months and must be from legitimate news sources (Wikipedia is not a legitimate source). In the article, the author must be either discussing a historical topic, and/or using it to support an opinion about some current event. Either way, the historical topic must be one that we have … Read more

History Discussion

By the following mercantilism, the British government thought their policies would strengthen the empire. What factors helped to blunt the impact of mercantilism and cause unrest in the colonies? How might the problems contribute to the American desire for independence?

Primary Source

What does the image listed above reveal about the time period in which it was produced? In order to answer this question, you may consider addressing the following: Who produced the image? When was the image produced? Who was the intended audience? What is the purpose of the image? What messages does it convey? What … Read more

UNIT 5 Critical Thinking Questions History Of holocaust

  UNIT 5 Critical Thinking Questions Please complete the following questions. Use a word processor to complete your work. Remember to use complete sentences and include both the questions and answers when you submit your work. Submit your work as a file attachment using the dropbox. The answers to the Critical Thinking Questions are worth … Read more

Some historians define what we have come to think of as “the sixties” as beginning in 1957 with the launch of

  Some historians define what we have come to think of as “the sixties” as beginning in 1957 with the launch of the Soviet Union satellite Sputnik and ending in 1974 with the resignation of President Nixon. Many remember ’the sixties’ as an era of free artistic, political, and individual expression, but it was also … Read more

watch short video answer 2 questions

This is due in 10 hours  Watch the short video:   Week 1 video 1 – YouTube  What is the cartoon’s historical argument? Think about the claim that the cartoonist is making about the past. What changed? What caused the change? Who took action? Who was affected by their actions? What evidence does the cartoon use … Read more


  From 1849 to 1871 newcomers to the region, the local administration, and the Colonial Office encountered opportunities to construct a colonial relationship with the indigenous peoples in the Chilcotin and on the streets of Victoria (and in many other locales as well). Making use of the perspectives, views, and evidence supplied in further readings … Read more