
1. Both Plato and Socrates were prominent authors whose works influenced and shaped ancient Greece’s ideology and perception of human nature. A common topic of interest for both authors was the analysis of the root of human evil, which produces warfare, violence, and political unrest. According to Plato, “When come wars, and fighting, and factions, if … Read more


  Choose ONE National WWII Museum Video:  1. The Ghost Army: Telling the Story of the Combat Con Artists through the Exhibit and the Collections – YouTube  2.  Fighting for the Right to Fight: African American Experiences in World War II  THEN:   Take notes as you watch: Identify the thesis/argument- what is the big “take-away” … Read more

Diversity in Organization

You may recall the incident that occurred at the Starbucks in Philadelphia. Once you are done viewing the two videos and the article, post responses to the following: Summarize what occurred (in your own words) Give me your thoughts from the perspective of the two African American male customers. Give me your thoughts from the … Read more

Diversity in Organization

Answer the following question from the pdf. Prior to reading this section, had you considered the effects of slavery and subsequent continued discrimination on the ability of (a) Blacks and (b) Whites to inherit and earn wealth, savings, and property? What factors may affect the higher rejection rates of equally creditworthy Blacks for business and … Read more

Persian Food

*TOPIC: PERSIAN FOOD* fo’nt Times New Roman, Size 12, 1.5 line spa’cing, 1.000 wor’ds. MLA format. *Please put in mind:* The the’sis statement or a nearby sentence mentions 2-3 specific details to be used in support of the argument. The specific evidence is the most relevant and authoritative available. The organization is logical and there … Read more


Please comment, critique, and help three of your peer’s assignments. So that all students have three peers commenting on their work, make sure only to comment on students that don’t have three other people giving them Feedforward. Now, comment on (1) what was effective and (2) what improvements you suggest according to the guidelines. I … Read more

Professor MacQueen

  Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:  The aggregate demand and the aggregate supply model allows us to examine how a variety of events can affect the economy. In your own words, discuss which of the four sources identified with aggregate demand has caused a change in the aggregate demand for … Read more


Plato uses Socrates as the central character in his dialogues.  Thucydides also sets characters in dialogue in his work.   In what ways do these two authors share at least one major common interest?  In what ways do they have at least one major difference?  To answer this, select and identify at least one passage from … Read more

Discussion 10: Documentary: Latino Americans: Episode 2 (Mex. Repatriations)

Why does the US target the Mexican population and not other immigrant groups? What is happening in California, during the Depression, that make the Mexican population a justifiable scapegoat? Consider why historians label those not deported as “invisible.” How do you think people felt, especially those born in the US, to be considered not worthy … Read more

Professor MacQueen

  Share the topic (Equal Rights Amendment) that have chosen for the projects in this course with your classmates. Briefly describe the historical event you have chosen to analyze as well as the research question you will attempt to answer in your paragraph.   Consider the passage reading about Québécois immigration. If you were researching … Read more