
current event  – Draw from a variety of sources including lecture materials, course readings, outside readings, and national reports. – Use sociological theories and literature to interpret, explain, and elaborate on a current event.


 -What steps can be taken to integrate Carlaris health system and the physicians? -Are interprofessional opportunities available to improve access to primary care? -How can interprofessional options be used to address high readmissions? -Carlaris Health has a presence in several geographic areas. Provide a strategy to take   advantage of this presence through physician–hospital organizations, ACOs, … Read more

6301 WK 2 ASSGN

   For still others, it is a practice problem they have encountered that doesn’t seem to have a clear answer. What issues do you see in the social work field—on the job, or through articles you have read? What is one problem you would like to address as a social worker? That problem could be … Read more


Instructions Week 3 Project: Duties of a Prosecutor Supporting Lectures: Ethical Systems Ethics and Courts Trial Court Workgroup Prosecutors, as agents for the state, take an oath to uphold the Constitution and to seek justice on behalf of the state and its citizens. Summarize the duties of a prosecutor in a criminal case, emphasizing those … Read more

week3 disc

Week 3 Discussion: Courts Supporting Lectures: Ethics and Courts Trial Court Workgroup Judges and Ethics This week, you began addressing the ethical foundations of specific functions in the criminal justice system. For this discussion, we will focus on the courts. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton was criticized for an interview in which she … Read more


   When you think of gaining knowledge on a topic in order to make an informed decision in social work, why might it be more appropriate to turn to a research article published in a reputable journal than something on the Internet? The answer relates to who evaluates the accuracy of the information and what … Read more


 This course is ultimately about acquiring knowledge that can be applied to practice. As a social work professional, how do you know what you know? It can be difficult to pinpoint, particularly if you have years of experience in a given field. You might gather knowledge from a supervisor or a more seasoned colleague, from … Read more

Modification of Environment

   1. Student will assess the needs of an elderly client within a sociocultural context and physical context by assessing their home environment. A report of findings will be submitted and presented. Use the Home evaluation checklist provided. 2. Role play the administration of an assessment and the results of assessments and evaluation (as allowed … Read more

Discussion Module 7

Think back to your research question used in module 6 (or come up with a new research question).  Describe a correlation and/or regression analysis that could be used to analyze the research question.  Include the type of research design and describe the variables that would be used. Post your initial response to the discussion question no … Read more