Confidentiality and Risk Management

Assignment Overview The purpose of this assignment on confidentiality, documentation, security, and risk management is to evaluate the practice of social work in an online environment. To ensure proper use of social media tools, review the following standards from the “NASW, ASWB, CSWE, & CSWA Standards for Technology in Social Work Practice.” Section 2: Designing … Read more

Sociology Dicussion

After watching Killing Us Softly 4, choose an ad from the media and apply some of the concepts, themes and theories from the lecture to the advertisement that you chose. NOTE: 2 paragraphs long, 6-9 sentences each.

Week 8 LDR 825 DQ 1 and 2

   Read EACH Students Response Provide THREE references to support your answer to the student I dont care of you use the same references to respond to all three students but each answer MUST have three PEER REVIEWED references to support your response on if you agree or dont agree with the students answer to … Read more

Introductory Concepts

Questions 1-16  Books used   Kirkpatrick, L. A. (2016). Simple Guide to IBM SPSS – version 23.0 (14th ed.). Wadsworth, Inc.   Jackson. (2018). Custom MindTap Reader, Instant Access for Jackson, Research Methods and Statistics, 5th edition.  attachments uploaded 

Gender & Binary

After watching and reflecting on the video, answer the following questions. 1. According to Ferree and Wade “Our gender binary glasses, acquired as we learn the ways of our culture, “help us see the world the way most other people around us do, but they also help us preserve the binary itself” How are we … Read more

Introductory Concepts

Introductory Concepts Assignment is designed to assess your understanding of the introductory concepts for research methods and statistics in the field of psychology. These concepts will serve as the foundation to understanding how to read and critically evaluate research presented in both nonprofessional and professional settings. These concepts will also begin building skills needed to … Read more

Discussion Four

Observe your fieldwork setting (fieldwork setting needs to be more geared towards ABA) with an objective lens. Use family friendly language (e.g., no jargon) to describe the environmental variables that elicit/evoke and maintain at least 2 desired and 2 undesired behaviors.

Training Management Database System – project

Project Instructions  • This project worth 14 marks and will be distributed as in the following:  a) Identify the entity types, attributes, keys.                        (2 marks)  b) Identify the relationship and cardinalities.                       (2 marks)  c) Draw the ERD.                                                                 (2 marks)  d) Schemas before Normalization.                                       (1.5 marks)  e) Schemas after Normalization.                                          (1.5 marks)  f) Create the tables. … Read more

discussion post

 Discuss the definition of collaboration, best practices of collaboration between schools and families, best practices of collaboration among school personnel, and best practices of collaboration among schools and communities.  How might collaboration be important in the special education processes