Respond to Lauren Post

For your response posts, address the following: What is your reaction to the way your classmates made sense of something in their life? Would you have done the same thing, or would you have approached it differently? Why, or why not? Remember, this assignment is graded on the quality of your initial post and at … Read more


We had a speaker come to the school and talk about drugs. Please use the attached powerpoint slides to write a reflection summary on what the speaker talked about and your thoughts about the topic discussed. 

module 5 post

 No plan can succeed without leadership. Having a strong leader can make the difference between failure and success for any endeavor. Post a brief description of your population and the plan idea you have for addressing their health needs. This time identify who should lead the implementation of your plan. Describe what characteristics make them … Read more

Preliminary Considerations for Bullying

Theory has a place in quantitative , qualitative, and mixed methods research. A theory explains how and why the variables are related, acting as abridge between or among the variables.  Write a therectical perspective section for your research plan following the script for a quantitative theory discussion presented in chapter 3.

Reliability and Validity in Research Instruments

  Assignment 3: Reliability and Validity in Research Instruments  Instructions Quality measurement in research is essential. Measurement involves assigning numbers to concepts, objects, events or situations following a set of rules derived by the researcher through instrumentation or the use of tools for measurement. These measurements should be accurate and consistent. Chapter 16 in Gray … Read more


How does population health deliver value in healthcare? Identify and describe at least two (2) specific population health management approaches (strategies) that has proven to deliver value in healthcare. Support your assertions   

Gambling with Revenues

Instructions In chapter 6 of the course text, the author writes:  “Many states rely on revenue from gambling to finance a portion of state government services. While most states do not raise much money from gambling, games of chance have been a growth industry for states.” What’s more… “As the result of a 2018 Supreme … Read more

Personal Statement

Provide an explanation explaining to the Members of the Graduate Admission Committee why you would like to pursue the program of graduate study you have chosen. Additional information regarding your academic performance, as well as professional experience, may also be included in the supplement.


An older client was recently discharged from the hospital for evaluation of seizure activity. His history reveals that he has late-stage Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, hypertension, and type II diabetes mellitus, which is controlled by diet. He lives at home, where his wife and daughter take care of him. His discharge medications include phenytoin (Dilantin), … Read more

Week 7

Assignment 6 involves updating your project plan by creating a stakeholder communication and management plan. The stakeholder management plan, is a tool used by project managers to help keep a close eye on all stakeholders in the manner intended. You will be provided with a template to help you complete the information. In the stakeholder … Read more