week 2-disc 2

Identify leaders you admire. List why and then relate those reasons to the RL attributes in this chapter. Do they fit into one or more of the relationship-based theories? Do their behaviors influence followers? How? Made your response with a minimum of three paragraphs with three sentences each. The response should have references and citations.

week 2- disc 1

What are the similarities and differences between coaching and mentoring? Made your response with a minimum of three paragraphs with three sentences each. The response should have references and citations. 

3590 MOD 4 DB

 Watch the following videos and discuss:Restoring Community:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ns2K4fEwQw&feature=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSvcTa4YrY8 The usefullness of restorative justice helping to restore and involve the community. Would this work in your community? Who would be involved? Could this work in an inner-city community that has a high crime rate? How could you make this work in your community?

answer the following question

Has your view of what constitutes an individual entity – such as an individual human, individual tree, individual spider, etc. – changed with knowing that there are just as many, if not more, microbial cells inhabiting that individual than the individual’s own cells? Explain why or why not

Source-Based Prompt

This  requires you to use information from the two opinions to discuss the most important concerns that relate to the issue you’ve chosen. When paraphrasing or quoting from the sources, cite each source used by referring to the author’s last name, title, or other clear identifier. 


  Initial post Pick one hematological disorder covered in this module. For this disorder, identify and describe three treatment strategies for the disorder. What challenges could arise in carrying out these strategies and providing care to the patient? Reply Post What interventions could be utilized in order to overcome these challenges?

Red Bean Cakes by Janice

“Red Bean Cakes” Reading Assignment Worksheet. Type in the answers to ALL the questions using your own analysis and critical thinking from the reading. The Canton, SOHO 1. What cultural elements (food, people, customs concern etc.) does the authors use to characterize this place and was there any unusual vocabulary? Answer: 2. What are the … Read more

Security in a Complex World

Analyze network security threats, risks, and solutions presented by mobile devices in BYOD workplaces. Do the following: Analyze three common security threats for enterprises employing a BYOD policy. Explain the risk factors associated with mobile device security threats. Analyze how two significant features of a specific mobile OS keep their devices secure.


Identify the purpose. You will select one research report with a qualitative design and one with quantitative design and answer the following questions regarding the following categories: