Description Key Assignment Draft  Your business plan should include the concepts and ideas that are covered throughout this course. Take all of your written assignments and convert them into the required sections of your plan. The following list identifies each section: Management Team and Organization Chart (Phase 1 IP)  Statement of Venture Social Entrepreneurship (Phase … Read more


Fill in the table below with information from the financial statements provided in your chosen company’s case study. Calculate the % change between the current year and previous year for each item. Remember to correctly identify the currency for your case study.

supply chain management

Do some research on distribution  networks of Amazon and Home Depot. Discuss:  Why do you think the two  are making significant investments in distribution network expansion?    What level of success (or failure) should they expect as a result of  the investments they have made? 5-6 sentences


ASSINGMENT:  https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2011/10/world-war-ii-after-the-war/100180/ Look at the images included in The Atlantic’s “World War II after the War,” then, select one of the images to discuss. In your post be sure to explain which image (the number and a brief note about it). Then, discuss why the image stands out to you? Describe the image, and then explain … Read more


 This will cover the material from Chapters 1–5 (Modules One, Two, and Three) in Basic Biostatistics: Statistics for Public Health Practice. This assignment will focus on solving and analyzing problems. 

Criminal investigation

   students will choose a contemporary investigatory method used by police and/or forensic scientists, using only articles from academic journals, official government publications, and reputable trade publications, to discuss in detail the entire criminal investigative process used in the method chosen, ensuring to incorporate major ideas and themes outlined in the readings and lectures.

Supply Chain Security

Week 7 Discussion – Supply Chain Security For your initial post,  discuss topics below. Respond to posts for other students topics. Supply Chain Security: Describe roles and responsibilities within an organization that help assure proper security when purchasing hardware, software, and network equipment from external suppliers.  What types of cybersecurity vulnerabilities can a supplier of computer services introduce into a … Read more

Unit 7.1 DB: Psychological Disorders

 Choose a psychological disorder from the DSM-V. Summarize the symptoms of the disorder. What type of therapy do you believe would be the most successful in treating this type of disorder?  Support your opinion with research evidence. Locate a current events or recent journal article on the disorder and share the key points (findings) with … Read more


 In the Asian culture, there is often a belief that terminally ill patients should not be informed about their prognosis. Would you respect the cultural practice and not inform a patient about the prognosis? Is there a way for health care providers to balance the patient’s right to know with respect for the cultural practices … Read more