Motivating Employees

  Week 5 Assignment – Motivating Employees Overview Imagine that you have been appointed the director of health at the Kaluyu Memorial Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya—a for-profit hospital. The facility is also a referral hospital and receives severe cases of accidents and chronic and communicable diseases, and it houses an HIV/AIDS ward. As you settle into … Read more


 Competency Assess the efficacy of quality improvement processes. Scenario. You lead the Assurance Think Tank, “Quality 4 Our System” comprised of several other leaders from within the Oakridge healthcare system. Some of the Assurance Think Tank members were debating the relevance of quality improvement initiatives and influences on patient safety and outcomes. During the meeting, … Read more


   Exp19_Excel_Ch07_Cap_Real_Estate Project Description: You are the office manager for a real estate company in northern Utah County. You tracked real estate listings, including city, agent, listing price, sold price, etc. Agents can represent a seller, a buyer, or both (known as dual agents). Your assistant prepared the spreadsheet structure with agent names, agent types, … Read more

Family values assignment

The textbook notes the following:  “Families pass learned behaviors and experiences, or cultural heritage, from generation to generation (Johnson, 1998). Drawing from the worldview framework introduced in Chapter One, the values held by cultural groups are expressed in unique patterns through the formation and perpetuation of family units. Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck (1961) propose that the … Read more

Qualitative Research

 Develop an outline for the Review of Literature topics, ensuring you have one section specifying the broad societal/business/community issue it addresses, one section identifying the relevant population and the importance of the study to the population, and one section explaining various aspects of the phenomenon you are studying. 

Using Tools to Communicate

What tool do you feel is the most effective means of reaching the widest audience?  Provide a rationale for your answer. If you do not feel you would lean toward one single most of communication, tell us why. In your opinion, has technology improved the way that we communicate with stakeholders?  Why or why not? … Read more

Discussion Post Help

 Research the key leaders in the company you have chosen for your final project. Common leaders to consider researching include the CEO, President, Vice President, CFO, and any board members. Based on what you find in your research, do you feel the company leaders are generally more transactional or transformational leaders? Why? Given the current … Read more

menh phuong hoang

<p style=”text-align: center;”><em>&ldquo;Ta chẳng qua chỉ lấy trộm một hạt tr&acirc;n ch&acirc;u của n&agrave;ng, c&ograve;n n&agrave;ng lại lấy trộm cả tr&aacute;i tim ta.&rdquo;</em></p> <p><span></span></p> <p><span>Trong cuộc đời của Tang Tử, ngo&agrave;i Hạ Hầu Tử Kh&acirc;m ra c&ograve;n c&oacute; h&igrave;nh b&oacute;ng của <a href=””><strong>T&ocirc; Mộ H&agrave;n</strong></a>. Đ&acirc;y c&oacute; lẽ l&agrave; nh&acirc;n vật đ&atilde; lấy đi rất … Read more


Major Project – Simon Baker- Baker Business Solutions Incorporated (BBSI)  Simon Baker was a very inquisitive child growing up. He was a great student in school and always asked a lot of questions. While growing up he was a typical American guy and enjoyed soccer and golf. But once Simon was given a computer for … Read more