institutional correction 6

 What if you had to decide which inmates to let out of prison in order to make room for more? What features would you look for in making that decision? How would this effect the moral of the other prisoners? 

Government in Health Care

 In 1798, President John Adams signed the Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen, imposing a twenty cent per month tax on sailors to be used to pay for care at various American ports. This act led to the eventual development of the U.S. Public Health Service. In your post, respond to the … Read more

correction IND Project

  One of the recent developments facing the public administration of corrections is that there has been an increasing call by public officials and the citizenry to privatize the prison systems in the United States.: From the perspective of a public-sector correctional administrator, make 2 arguments for keeping the jails in public hands. From the … Read more

corrections DP CRJS345

  The volume of inmate litigation increased significantly following the Cooper v. Pate decision in 1964. In 1980, inmates in state and federal correctional institutions filed 23,287 petitions alleging both civil and criminal violations of their rights and seeking compensatory damages, injunctions, and property claims (Peak & Everett, 2016). By 1990, the number of such … Read more


  Detail to include the following information: o Name of the spy/spies o Country they worked for o Information they stole or obtained o Time frame and location of the espionage activity o Motivating factors that led them to spy o Repercussions of their activity on National Security and the current status of their case (if … Read more


   Jerry Smith has decided to step away from the busy lifestyle of a lawyer and move to the beach. Jerry likes the beach lifestyle and wants to live a relaxed lifestyle at this stage in his life. He also wants something to do and some income so he does not get bored. He decides … Read more

week 6 discussion

  Topic B: Hazan and Shaver (1990) have done research on adult attachment where they describe avoidant, anxious/ambivalent, and secure adults. Do these adult styles seem to map well to the infant attachment styles? How much continuity in styles would you expect to exist across the lifespan? Discuss experiences after infancy that might alter one’s … Read more

week 6 discussion

  Topic B: What is the theory of mind? How is it assessed? What role do desire and desire-belief psychology play in this process? What developmental changes occur in acquiring a theory of mind? What factors affect its emergence? Airenti, B. (2015). Theory of mind: a new perspective on the puzzle of belief ascription. Frontiers … Read more

PH -6

  Question #1. Go to the Website Then, on the Sources of Exposure section. There, you would be able to see the source of exposures. Pick one Sources of Exposure the most interest to you and click on the link to open the interactive reference. Choose a location and provide a review of the … Read more

ds d6

 Drawing on what you have learned about consensus algorithms and Bitcoin transactions, as well as the issues with scaling, write a clear and coherent discussion post in which you address the following questions: Would a centralized blockchain undermine the technology’s purpose as a shared public ledger? And if so, why? How could blockchain technology achieve scale … Read more