Data Analysis – PCA

see attached files Option 1: Using the file Longitudinal Survey, subset the data to select only those individuals who lived in an urban area. Reduce the dimensionality of the data by converting numerical variables such as age, height, weight, number of years of education, number of siblings, family size, number of weeks employed, self-esteem scale, and … Read more

Who represent me

List who your Texas House or Senate Representative is and their district number; their respective political party; and how long have they been in office–was your Texas Senate Representative a House member first? What is the profession of your legislator? Review five authored, co-authored or sponsored bills from this legislative session for both your Texas … Read more


 OVERVIEW The SCRIP Dispositions are designed for personal reflection and evaluation as it relates to the areas of social responsibility, commitment, reflective practice, integrity, and professionalism.   These dispositions are essential for an educator and even more so for a Christian educator.   These reflections take the sum of what a student has learned applied … Read more

Artificial Intelligence

write about Artificial Intelligence,  This two titles and cite your sources 1.  THE DOWNSIDES OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE  Links:​​​ ​ 2. THE FUTURE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELIGENCE

Computer Crime Prosecution

  In an investigation being conducted by the state crime lab, senior investigators have called your company, AB Investigative Services, to provide advice concerning the interception of wire, electronic, and oral communications. The current individual suspected to be the source of the crime used a library computer to send and receive e-mails. The librarian walked … Read more

Ethics, Discretion, and Decision Making

  Assignment Guidelines You and your partner are running a string of informants in a major street crimes unit that includes narcotics, weapons, and organized crime. One informant is a beautiful young woman who was caught with some marijuana and is now working with your team, identifying drug dealers. She has been flirting with every … Read more

3-2 Discussion: Type I and Type II Error

Describe the research question you are pursuing for your final project. When drawing a statistical conclusion, what would a potential Type I error be? A potential Type II error? Why is it important for researchers to understand these errors?